Breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid, fillers, botox injections

Breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid is considered the safest method today. Before the advent of this method, mammoplasty was used.

The surgery was performed on the chest, into which the implants were inserted. The chest was increased by several sizes, but it didn't feel natural.

At the same time, no one could fully guarantee that the operation would proceed without complications. The advent of this breast augmentation method puts women at less risk.

breasts before and after augmentation with hyaluronic acid

How are breasts enlarged with hyaluronic acid?

Many have heard of hyaluronic acid. Someone knows it as the main component of synovial fluid, which provides lubrication of articular cartilage in connective tissues, and someone has heard of it in the world of cosmetology.

In particular, it has become known to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin. How can this happen?

Hyaluronic acid has the unique ability to attract and hold water like a sponge, providing volume and hydration to tissues.

It is thanks to this characteristic that this polysaccharide has been used successfully in plastic surgery for breast augmentation.

This technique makes it possible to obtain the desired breast size without resorting to surgery.

Breast augmentation is performed by gel injections, namely dermal fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

Since the molecules of this polysaccharide are large and retain a large amount of water, its consistency is similar to that of a thick gel. For one-size-fits-all breast augmentation, approximately 300ml of gel is needed.

How does the procedure take place? The intervention is painful, so it is performed under local anesthesia. Before the operation, all the necessary tests are carried out and the day of the operation is set.

Nonsurgical breast augmentation takes approximately 40 minutes. The drug is injected into the chest using a cannula.

This is a special tube that looks like a feather and replaces a needle. At the injection site, there are bites to which cosmetic sutures are applied.

The breast is given exactly the shape that the patient wishes to have. It is very important that the procedure is carried out by an experienced specialist, since not all doctors are able to properly insert the gel into the breast.

After the end of the procedure, on days 2 and 3, unpleasant pain and a burning sensation appear in the mammary glands. Reddening of the skin of the breast, the formation of bruises, itching is also possible. All of these symptoms will go away soon.

Payback period

Within one month, the patient should not expose the upper body to physical activity. Excessive heat and cold are contraindicated.

You cannot put pressure on the mammary gland, i. e. massage it or sleep on it, because the gel can move and the breast becomes deformed.

In order to support the bust, it is recommended to wear a compression garment. The recovery period depends on the age of the patient, the quality of the epidermis, the amount of gel injected and the lifestyle.

compression bra after bust augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Duration of effect

The charges are divided into absorbable and non-absorbable. For breast augmentation, injections of the first type are mainly used, since they are based on hyaluronic acid, which dissolves quickly.

The effect of its influence is temporary - from 6 months to a year. Non-absorbable injections are dangerous by the development of various complications, therefore they are practically not used.

Botox breast augmentation is often confused with skin fillers. The difference is that Botox preparations are harmful to the body because they contain botulinum toxin.

Hyaluronic acid gel is a filler that increases tissue volume.

What types of breast fillers are used?

There are many hyaluronic acid fillers available for breast augmentation.

Since they differ from each other in their properties, a specialist should select them based on the characteristics of the patient's skin and mammary glands.

There is one more point to be taken into account: hyaluron gel has an antidote. It is a special enzyme called hyaluronidase. He is able to destroy the unsuccessful result.

Contraindications and complications

Are there any contraindications to breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid? There are a number of cases when it is not possible to use gel for breast augmentation.

Contraindications include any breast tumor, both benign and malignant.

Such operations are not performed even when a woman is planning a pregnancy, since the unabsorbed residue from the gel can compress the milk ducts during breastfeeding. In case of autoimmune diseases, interventions in the mammary gland are contraindicated.

During an ultrasound of the mammary glands or an x-ray examination, cysts do not differ in the accumulation of charges and are often confused.

This makes it difficult to examine the organ for possible tumors. Palpation also makes diagnosis difficult.

If the breasts become inflamed, surgery and antibiotics will be needed for treatment.

For the sake of perfection, many women risk their health without paying attention to contraindications.

The effect after the introduction of hyaluronic acid is undeniable, and the result is tangible: the breast becomes elastic and plumped, and the skin is much younger.

But this result is temporary, so you have to repeat the procedure. Such interventions can have negative consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

This method is not suitable for women who have organ prolapse (ptosis). This procedure will only exacerbate the problem.

Hyaluronic acid dissolves over time, but before that, no procedures related to exposure to the mammary glands should be performed.

The fact that this procedure does little harm to the mammary gland is a great advantage, but after the administration of the drug into the mammary glands, due to the swelling of hyaluronic acid, the soft tissues, vessels and ducts are compressed.

The drug, occupying a certain space in the chest, acts on nearby tissues.

Why is breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid prohibited in France? This method does not present any particular risks or threats to health.

But as a precaution in this country, they decided to introduce a ban, because after the introduction of hyaluronic acid, the diagnosis of malignant tumors is very complicated.